Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hoping everyone has a safe and happy labor day.

Love J.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Whatcha workin on wednesday and a sneak peek.

Ok, here is a tidbit of my fireplace. I still have caulking and painting to do. So next week it will be ready for the reveal. And here is a find. My Mom found this set at a consignment shop. And guess how much!! 15.00 for the whole set. I have been looking all summer for these beauties. I'm going to paint them white with red checkered cushions to match the red rockers I already have.

Anyway that is a peek and a find for all my blogging buddies. Love J

Monday, August 25, 2008


I have had many comments on my family room. People seem to hate it, RMS has such a strong reaction to it. So I have been wanting to redo the fireplace anyway so last week when I was sick mike took off work and started ripping apart the room. The fireplace mantle and tiles are gone. The door casings and chair rail and baseboards are gone.

There goes the mantle. bye, bye. I wont miss it.

This room is such a odd space and I have to cram alot of furniture in there to fit my family. So I'm switching it up. So far the fireplace is done and there is some cool new editions, But that will be a suprise when it is done. All I have to say is I LOVE IT. Love J

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Shopping in the big SLC

In a mad dash to get kids ready for school we headed to the gateway mall in salt lake city. The gateway is an outdoor mall that was built for the olympics in 2002. the awards plaza was in front of the mall inself. It is a great place to shop. It has everything. even apartments above the mall. This is the olympic fountains. see the symbol in the middle of the fountain area.

Two of my three daughters went with me. (The other one had school, and could not come.)

My daughter is telling me to come pay for her clothes.

Here I'am with the wallett out.

One stop down many,many more to go.
Ps. Made it through another summer.
Love J

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The award goes to!!!

THE SMILE AWARD here are the rules:1. The recipient must link back to the award's creator (click on the award to go to the originator's website!)2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award (see below.)5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.7. You must thank your giver.Characteristics for the Smile Award:1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human).2. Must love one another.3. Must make mistakes.4. Must learn from others.5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world.6. Must love life.7. Must love kids.

I recieved this award from Cindy at lovefrommn. So I'm passing it on

I'm giving this award to

1- Dot at pickets place. she just is the kind of person you could listen to for hours. I love her stories and her sweetness draws me in.

2- Rue at my peanut butter nand jelly life. because she has a love for old homes like I do and I love her fieldtrips and adventures.

3- Justine at froggy bloggy. I dont have a blog relationship with her, but her stories make me smile.

4-linda at my red door. I love her decorating style. And what a great lady.

5-My yellow farmhouse. Because she makes me want to enjoy life like she does. she has a great life.

Again thanks Cindy. I hope everyone picks up their award. love J

My first blog award

I recieved this award from Cindy over at lovefrommn. I'm not sure how to link to her blog but she is on my blog list. I just love Cindy, she has the most beautiful home. And her laundry room is to die for. and her kitchen and check out her ceiling in her office. I need to think about who to give it to because there are so many great people. I just wanted to thank Cindy as soon as possible. So thanks Cindy!!! love and hugs J

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm back

Well I'm back and feeling a little better. I have really missed my regular routine and coming and going as I want. So slowly I will ease back into life again. Trying to get Samantha and Gage back into school, So far behing on back to school shopping. So this weekend it will be a marathon shopping spree. I think I need a few days to feel better so I dont think I can tackle it this week by myself. So on to other things. I have been working on flower beds all summer, and here is my progress. I have one side completed. I.cant wait till the plants mature. they look so little right now. I mixed some spring, summer and fall bloomers. So I will have color all year round except in winter, which the color is white snow.
Some plants are butterfly bushes. I love butterflys and to have them hanging out in the yard will be fun.

I dont think I can finish myself, so mike has been working on it while I have been sick.
He has been such a sweet husband. I even ruined his birhtday. But he made a delicious dinner on sunday for the whole family. Ice cream cake included.

Before I got sick, I found these cute items on a shopping trip. I dont know what to do with them yet, so another project, moving things around.

Cute little shelf. well with all the fall talk and cute giveaways I'm sooo anxious for the season change. Watch ing the leaves everyday and no sign of orange or yellow yet. So good to be back and thanks for all your sweet comments and well wishes. Cant tell you how I look forward to hearing from you. And sharing life and all that goes with it. Love J

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I'm just letting everyone know I have to go get a little health problem taken care of ( pancreatitis) I dont know if I spelled that right. I will be away for the weekend. And it is a double bummer because today is my husband mike's Birthday. snif So I will see you as soon as I get back love J

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

dream homes

I'm a sucker for beautiful country homes, with wrap around porches, hanging baskets and wonderful colors. One of my favorite things to do is drive around and find beautiful homes. This on is my favorite so far. The exterior is to die for. look at that chimney and all the detail around the windows. It is for sale but is in a mountain valley. About 20 miles from civilization. A true country home. I need a little city with my country. Look at the cute side view. They really paid attention to detail.
This home is a reproduction. It is new but looks old. It sits high on the benches of the mountains. This picutre truly does not do it justice. And the landscape is so geourgeous. In the back of the house is a playhouse that is a exact replica of this house. I didn't get a picture beacause the home owners were out and i'm sure they thought I was spying on then.

You cant see it from the picture but the porch is decorated so cute. look at the manicured lawn. and the weather vane.

well this home is mine. I love my porch. We almost sold last summer, but we ended up staying when things didn't work out with the new home. I glad they didn't because I have really learned to love this home. I want to post beautiful country homes as I find them so stay tuned for my findings. love J

Saturday, August 9, 2008


This is Lucy, She is my daughter Brooke's new pupppy. She is such a cute little puppy. (Does this make me a Grandmother?) She is 8 weeks old. Her eyebrows look like she has drawen them on. I told Brooke she needed to name her mimi. ( like on the drew carey show) But they didn't. There is baby minnie with her new friend. Minnie is so spoiled I don't think she will accept another dog in her home.
She loves shoes. Glad I don't have to train her.

She loves Mcdonalds toys.

We can't get minnie to play. She just turns her back on her. Poor lucy, She's a fun girl!!!

And Minnie won't share her toys. We did not place them like this. She did this herself.

Sorry minnie, don't be sad. You still have my heart.

See ya next time love J

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Family

I'm thinking for this post I would introduce my family. My family is the most inpotrant thing in the world to me. So it only makes sense to blog about them when they are the reason I do everything I do. This is minnie our dog. I know it seems weird to have her first but I forgot to put her in until the end. ( I know I cant believe I forgot her.) Love ya minnie This is my husband mike. I love the way he is looking at my daughter. This is how he looked at her the day she was born. He works so hard for his family and gives until it hurts.

I know honey you need to rest but when you are through will you paint the bedroom. help me dig up the flower beds. and start on the family room. pleeeease. love ya. We have this joke between us. I'm sure when people hear it they double take, but he calls me WOMEN. I dont know how it started but old habits die hard.

This is the newlyweds. Brooke and tyler. cute huh!!! tyler is a great guy.

Great smile tyler!!!!

This is brooke, in the middle sitting down. She is such a good girl. she has her real estate license at 20. She is going back to school this month, She wants to be a school teacher.

This is Hillary she is 18 and just graduated in the spring. She is going to beauty school. She is very artistic and also enjoys photography.

She is always having a good time and has more friends then I can keep track of.

This jumping girl is Samantha. She is 14 and is starting 9th grade. She is a cheerleader and a compition dancer.

She is the girly girl and loves her picture taken. lol

This is my son Gage, he is 11 and going into 6th grade. He never quits smiling and is coming up with things that just shock me.

He is dancing with a rubber chicken.

He has a soft heart. He loves golf and skiing. he has severe asthma so we have to supress his inner athlete which is very hard.

Well I hope I have not bored you with my pictures but when your proud your proud. Again thanks for stopping by. love J

Friday, August 1, 2008

Another historic home

This is the Pingree mansion. It is a historic mansion in ogden utah. I was lucky enough to get a tour of this home. It belonged to a wealthy banker, He was a polygamist and this is one of his wifes homes. And yes the other one is bigger. This is the home that has elephant hide wallpaper, a state of the art ballroom floor with springs under the wood, and beautiful murals painted throughout. These are the original blueprints. This is the side view.

The back view.

Original furniture to the home.

This is the sitting room.and the living room

The front entrance.

The elephant wallpaper

Butlers pantry.

Original cabinets. And the silver left with the home.

One of the uncovered murals in the home.

Renovated baths.

Views from above.

view looking up.

One of the renovated areas. This will be made into a b&b and there is an apartment in the basement for the caretaker.

more murals

Basement bedroom.

A painting found in the basement. artist unknowen.

more murals.

This. is the ballroom the knooks are for seating when people were not dancing

another view of ballroom.

This home turned 100 years old this summer. It is an amazing home. There is alot more to see but it would have taken all day. I do have a little history on this home, If anyone is interested I can give more info. thanks for taking a peek, This was so fun to see. love J