This is my new creation. Mike brought home an old window frame for me It was so primitive I had to use it. So I kept it in a shed for two years. One day I got an idea for it. I cleaned it up, but left the original paint on it. Had my son inlaw varnish it so the cracking paint would not fall off. Then he stapled black screen to the back of it. I had a star hanging in my family room that I did not hang back up. so I placed it in the middle of the window frame. I hung it above my bed. I think it looks really cute and it is unique.

Here is a close-up of it

Everyone has been posting about fall and the things they love about it. So here is my list.
1-I love how the sunlight changes in the fall
2-I love to see the wind blow fallen leaves across the road when I'm driving.
3-pumpkin patches.
4-halloween decorations.
5-fall traditions and activities with my family.
6-wearing cute sweaters.
7-carmel apples.
8-a rainy afternoon.
9-bringing out the quilts for the bed.
10-call me crazy, but I love fallen leaves on my lawn. I put off raking them.
Well there it is. hope everyone is well. Love J