Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hi Everyone!!! I have not vanished. just simply living in a nightmare at the moment. My 18 year old daughter is pregnant. I'm very sad, and trying to wrap my mind around all of this. I guess you never know what path life will take.  And it never is what you plan on. I believe god has a purpose for every challenge and this one will be a struggle for me. There are alot of things I'm so worried about. She is bi-polar and I'm worried about what pregnancy will do to her mental state. She has struggled since 6 years old. durning her life she has done wonderful things, like graduating high school was a very big deal for her. Holding down a job, and going to beauty school. relationships are so hard for her. I guess I'm venting, because I have to hold alot in, so her self-esteem does not suffer anymore. I can't even get angry or cry around her. So if I disappear for a while please understand. Thanks for all you friendships. love J


cindy said...

sogruJillian, it will all work out! Sure it probably isnt the one thing that every mother hopes for, but it sounds like you have a very strong family and there is alot of love there. So take a deep breath...you will get through it. I am glad you are not ill, it crossed my mind when you hadnt posted in awhile. (I remembered that you had surgery not too long ago). I'm sorry I dont know much about bipolar disease...isnt there medication for that?...I will keep you and your family in my prayers....take care, Cindy

Jan said...

Dear Jillian, I knew there had to be something going on. I am sorry for the trials going on in your family , for your daughter and her unfortunate and special needs situation. It is difficult, as the medication she may need probably isn't one that can be taken with pregnancy. But always remember that God really doesn't give us more than we can handle, although it does seem like that at times. You have been in my thoughts for a month now, and I will continue send warmth and hugs to you in hope that you know you are not alone. You will get through this, and I pray for strength for all of you. Happy Thanksgiving, and remember to take time for yourself in a quiet spot once in a while. With thanks for your friendship, Jan

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Oh Jillian, I am sorry that things aren't as you hoped for. I pray everything works out for the best. Thinking of you, hugs, Linda

hoosier homemaker said...

You are in my prayers. All will be well. Take care of yourself this holiday season.

Laura said...

Oh Jillian, it is always so hard in a situation like this. Babies are such a blessing and you always hope for them to be born in the best situation. I can tell from your blog that you have such a loving family and I am sure that everything will work out for the best. My neighbor is going through a similar situation with her daughter who is also bi-polar. I know it won't be easy, but God will be with you at every step. Please take good care of yourself and know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Laura :)