Monday, December 29, 2008


I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas! And as new years approaches I start to think what the new year will bring. I know that change is coming in my life, But life never stays the same long anyway. I took down one of my trees today, And every year as I wrap up the ornaments in tissue I wonder what changes there will be when I unwrap them next year. I guess I'm scared of change and what the future holds. This has been a trying year for my family for many reasons. It has also been full of blessings. I'm so grateful for where I live and my family. I live my life for them and without them I would just be so lost. I'm thankful that I know who I am and can stand up for my principals. As 2008 winds down and 2009 approaches I give thanks to Heavenly Father for giving me life and my Family. And I wish all of you HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!  LOVE J


Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I hope that 2009 brings you more joy than you can imagine right now. Lots of hugs!! Linda

cindy said...

Happy New Year to you too! Do you have alot of snow out there? We have quite a bit here, except for now it rained and the top of the snow is frozen....not too good for snowmobiling. Do you have any New Years Eve plans? I will be usual. Take care ~Cindy~

lms said...

hi there....i just wanted to pop in and wish you a happy new years and to say thanks for being my blog buddie.....i really enjoy keeping up with you and your family and i also enjoy seeing what you are up to each's to another great year!!!!!!

Jan said...

Happy New year's Eve J!! Just back from the snow and cooollllddd in Minnesota.. it was a long almost 3 weeks. Christmas was celebrated about 5 times within our family with everyone having a differnet schedule, but every one of was wonderful. I hope all is going well, and that 2009 brings you peace and happiness and lots of love in the family! Hugs from Jan

Rue said...

Happy New Year to you too sweet J! I hope you and your family are very blessed this year :)

love and hugs,