Monday, January 5, 2009

Well it is a new year, The kids went back to school Christmas is down and put away and life is returning to normal. Hillary is in the middle of morning sickness, forgot how yucky that is. and She is due July 25. We have been to the doctor and everything is going good. Here is a picture of the ultrasound. We will find out the sex in 5 weeks. 
Christmas was nice, It turned out to be a white one. And wouldn't you know with budget cuts the streets were not plowed and it was like a ice rink. It seemed like we ate watched movies and played wii and rock band for two weeks. I have become lazy with all play and no work. It will be sooo nice to get back to projects and routines, but I do enjoy spending time with family.
It has been great reading about everyone's Holidays. their traditions and thoughts on the season. I will miss it but it will be back before we know it. Anyway I think things are a little calmer so I will be posting more. Love always J


Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

So good to see you posting again. We find out our grand baby's sex on Jan 29th - which is Jay's 30th birthday. I can't wait.

I hope Hilary feels better soon!

Jan said...

Well... just look at that little life growing and thriving! I am so happy you had a wonderful family Christmas! ooh...that sickness, it is like falling off a bicycle the way you remember it! Did you get my reply email J? I see it as a draft but not sure i sent it. I am still trying to get my energy back from the almost 3 week trip back to the snow and cold and grandkids, but everything was sooo fun and hectic and worth it. Hope to hear more from you soon, take care and rest up! Hugs, Jan